- Hojaldre
- Sal
- Matequilla
- Manzanas reineta
- Limón
- Pasas
- Azúcar
- Azúcar glas
- Harina de trigo blanca
- Nuez moscada
- Canela molida
- Leche
1. Manzanas
Pela y corta las manzanas en trocitos (700 gr.), y rocíalas con el zumo de medio limón. Reserva.
2. Mezcla de harina
En un bol, mezcla todos estos ingredientes: 110 gr. de azúcar, 1/2 cucharadita de azúcar glas, 1 cucharada de harina, la nuez moscada, 1 cucharada de canela, la corteza de limón rallada, el zumo de medio limón y una pizca de sal.
3. Montaje de la tarta
Unta con mantequilla un molde de 18-20 cm de diámetro. Forra el fondo con la mitad del hojaldre. Pincha la superficie con un tenedor y cubre con la mitad de las manzanas escurridas. Agrega un puñado de pasas y la mitad de la mezcla de harina. Pon otra capa de manzanas, otro puñado de pasas y el resto de la mezcla de harina y, por último, cúbrelo con trocitos de mantequilla. Tapa con el resto del hojaldre cortado en tiras. Une los bordes de la masa apretando bien con los dedos y adorna con unos pellizcos. Píntalo con leche y cuece la tarta en el horno precalentado a 200ºC durante unos 30 minutos.
Tendrás una merienda al estilo British!
- Pastry sheet
- Salt
- Butter
- Reinette apples
- Lemon
- Currants
- Sugar
- Icing sugar
- White wheat flour
- Nutmeg
- Ground cinnamon
- Milk
1. Apples
Peel and cut into slices the apples (700 g.), and pour them with the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Keep.
2. Flour mixture
In a bowl, mix all these ingredients: 110 g. of sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful of icing sugar, 1 spoonful of white wheat flour, a little of nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, lemon peel, juice of 1/2 lemon and a pinch of salt.
3. Making the pie
Grease a round baking tin (18-20 cm) with butter. Cover the bottom with 1/2 a pastry sheet. Prick it with a fork, and cover with half of the apples after draining them. Add a handful of currants and half of the flour mixture. Cover with the rest of the drained apples, other handful of currants and, lastly, cover with small pieces of butter. Cover the pie with the rest for the pastry sheet cut in strips, pressing the edge with your fingers. Brush the surface with milk, and bake the pie in a oven preheated at 200ºC for 30 minutes. A British-style afternoon snack.
Grease a round baking tin (18-20 cm) with butter. Cover the bottom with 1/2 a pastry sheet. Prick it with a fork, and cover with half of the apples after draining them. Add a handful of currants and half of the flour mixture. Cover with the rest of the drained apples, other handful of currants and, lastly, cover with small pieces of butter. Cover the pie with the rest for the pastry sheet cut in strips, pressing the edge with your fingers. Brush the surface with milk, and bake the pie in a oven preheated at 200ºC for 30 minutes. A British-style afternoon snack.
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